Friday, November 24, 2017


Our beloved lives in our hearts — LIVES as we experience
his Love in so many ways, in ways he shows he is present in our daily lives.

Thanksgiving . . . it's filled with moments of the bitter and the sweet. Our table has morphed into seating for family members and friends who hold an empty chair in their hearts. We serve up as many emotions as we do sides on this special Thursday. A bitter moment for me was when I was trying to bring Matty into the kitchen, to help with prep or keep me company I guess, by listening to many covers of our significant song, Leonard Cohen’s 'Hallelujah'. In my best Bridget Jones' lip syncing imitation, I was putting all the feel and moves into this song, holding my imaginary mic as I air-belted the words, thinking that if I set the stage, the atmosphere, the ambiance that Matty's presence would fill every square inch of this room—this room filled with memories that would hold me as a voluntary hostage for the next two days. The song's lyrics and the room's memories came in quicker than I was able to move Matty's presence from my heart to infusing the air with his Love—the Love I would breathe in for the next few days. The tears came along with the realization that what I was wanting, missing most was his very human exhilaration over the menu, the gathering, the sound of his laughter and the feel of his hugs. Tears, my grounding in the human-ness of grief flowed.
Then the sweet! I have to tell you about my favorite holiday gift memorial of Matt. It's a snow globe that holds Matty's picture. The grands fell in love with this gorgeous orb that holds a four season spot in our living room. Made of plastic and not glass, Matty's self-contained winter wonderland has survived a year of kisses, falls and just a bunch of holding for comfort's sake. As the adults were enjoying conversation after a hearty meal, the two oldest girls came skating in stocking'd feet into the kitchen holding Bubble Matt (as our sphere is affectionately called), shouting "And let's say Happy Thanksgiving to this guy!" Instant smiles and a chorus of Happy Thanksgiving Matty, Daddy, Uncle Matty echoed throughout the dining area. Matty's grand finale Thanksgiving day. They balance each other . . . the bitter and the sweet. Thankful for the Love that allows us to fully feel both.