Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Love's Healing

Rereading old words, answering questions and hearing different answers. What is the answer to the longings of my soul?

There are nuggets of wisdom strewn along the path, visible only with spirit eyes, audible only through spirit ears. The world is my oreo and I’ll explain:

“Yes your Earth is undergoing great change. I wish you to know that there is a counterpart to each physical manifestation of God’s Creation. That counterpart within you is called the spirit body. The counterpart of your globe, your Earth, also has what you may call a spirit body, an energetic reflection that is the true manifestation of God’s Creation. Like your physical body and your spirit body, you respond and react within that energetic envelope which is your spirit body. This in time, manifests upon your physical body.”

I read words and deliver them to my heart. With a clearer understanding, they are returned and newly imprinted. The wisdom is always from spirit and at times the translator, the human me—the small ‘s’ self me forgets that the interpretation comes through my spirit body, the BIG ‘S’ Self, as it awaits the awakening of soul.

Who am I? What is soul , what is spirit? I pose the questions. Answers come from Matty, words flow in the form of a metaphor. “Think of an oreo cookie. Two pieces of chocolate cookie holding a creamy, sweet center.” If I take another peek at that oreo cookie after reading and contemplating the above channeled message, the oreo cookie is helping me see wisdom’s nugget needing to be picked up from the path. One side of the cookie represents the physical me and the other the spirit counterpart. The beautiful creamy center is my soul/spirit. How do I respond and/or react to the creamy center that is calling my name? Do I respond from my spirit body, recalling pre-birth memories of the plan for this incarnation—a longing? The beauty in the joy that a simple and ordinary cookie, a whole cookie evokes or do I react from one of my natural five senses and allow the cookie to trigger a mouth watering response in anticipation? A response from the mind without the benefit of heart—instant gustatory gratification without necessarily leading to satisfaction or fulfillment—leaving me with a wanting for more.

The longing, soul's whisper creates a momentary pause adding dimension to this example. As I experience an A’Ha moment, I hear Matty’s voice “Hey Mom, this is not my first Oreo”! His Spirit makes me laugh out loud as his personality comes through loud and clear.

The chocolate and the sweet cream center are each individual known tastes. The blending of the dark and the light tastes differently than if I deconstructed the cookie and ate each part separately. I can respond with a pause and a remembering before the bite. My human and spirit bodies working together—in relationship, joining—in harmony seeking Union in the divine taste of Wholeness. Love's happiness. Sweet healing in a bite.