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Luna Moth—Actius luna
Have you ever been visited by a creature from a
wonder tale? Something so beautiful it takes your breath away? Something that
feels as though it dropped in to surround you and fill you up with a magical,
mystical feel? Something so precious you know there is a special message
connected to it?
This is our wonder tale. Bampy and I enjoyed a
very family-centric weekend with all four grands delighting us with their
laughter, joy, innate happiness, offering us continuous glimpses of the
invisible bond of love they have for each other. Yes, the referee suit went on
when the band of cousins dissolved into chaos and called for an instant replay
to determine if a refresher course on sharing was in order however, these
moments were few and far in-between. Bruce and I are rewarded with watching how
“best friends” care for each other—our wish for Jason and Matty now handed down
to the next generation.
Jaelyn was the first to notice the big yellow
butterfly that was hovering at the top of one of our trees in the backyard. It
was mid-morning and we were playing a game of Lawn Memory Match. She said it
was her Poppy saying hello and Addy chimed in that is was her Daddy too.
Energies were combined because what followed later in the day and into the next
morning was pure Love—new memories for all. I love seeing the reaction of small
children when beauty touches their hearts. The butterfly sighting opened all
eyes and placed them on alert for the fascinating life that lives in nature.
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The Bug Lover—the Curious One
In early afternoon, our bug lover Jordyn spotted a very large light green butterly (or moth??) on the back side of the house. It was hanging below eye-level for the littles. I had never before seen an insect like this and its beauty mesmerized me. I was filled with a feeling of peace and calm, gentleness—an indescribable feeling that stilled time. We all became engaged with this magical visitor. Jordyn, ever so curious, inspected the winged creature. It flitted from the stone of the house to my lap and the glee I heard, oh how I wish I would have had time to record! But that’s the thing about memories—everlasting ones. You can visit the scene as if you were there whenever you wish to recall. It’s as if the heart has a storage bank that captures the precious moments of the day at the exact time the memory is made. Four children, embraced by sunlight and a warm breeze, hands clapping and feet bouncing. No words, simply joy heard in the ripples of laughter. I asked for a stick so that we could help our new friend to a safer spot. In a flash I was handed a twig, a once living part of a backyard tree. Severed and blown to the ground, its new purpose came to life—transformed into an emergency transport vehicle, sirens blaring to the nearest silver birch where safety and a perfect view was secured for our new visitor.
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THE SPY SQUATS, Addy's name for the gang. Imagination in full play. Not quite an ad-adult (this is her word for adult) words sometimes get recreated and mispronounced! |
There were moments of play and they’d each come
back to the tree to see and pepper this insect with questions. Where did you
come from? How come you’re still here? Are you dead? Are you sleeping? Are you
watching us play? And a bit of gratitude: We’re so excited to have you here.
After a few hours, and stunned that this beautiful specimen was still with us,
I had a moment to research what exactly had graced us this Saturday morn and
afternoon. Google, the wise sage of the unseen world of connections, brought up
photos of the Luna Moth. I learned its Latin species name is Actius luna. This
particular species is native to certain areas in North America and the
temperature of their terrain determines the numbers of generations produced
yearly. In New England, one generation is produced and an insect emerges from its cocoon in late May to mid June. Most of life happens in the larva and
pupa stages for the Luna Moth. Sightings are rare as the Luna Moth is
nocturnal, attracted to the light of the moon. If you want to experience the
sight of this insect, a flashlilght is your friend, it is suggested. Be sure to
leave the back porch light on is another. The moth will eclose as an adult with
a life span of a week. It does not have a mouth—its purpose is to mate. I
imagine it has an additional purpose which is to continue to release beauty, gentleness
and pure love into a world that is soiled by unkindness, hatred, disrespect and
It has no mouth. This knowledge alone made me
aware of so many emotions and feelings running around my heart knocking at my
soul’s door. Matty’s energy. Wordless
communication of Love. I instinctively knew that a powerful message was going to be delivered but the
time wasn’t yet right. It was the correct time however, to stay in the moment with our Luna
Moth, listen intently as my heart waited. I could feel Love being poured into
me. Comfort. My soul whispering a long held memory “I’m coming home, Mom . . .
I’m coming home.”
We checked in on our guest before bedtime and
he (yes, a male Luna Moth) remained hanging from his resting place. When the
sun rose on Sunday, Father’s Day our Luna Moth was found a bit higher up on the
trunk of the tree. What tales could he tell us about his nighttime excursions
or was he simply gaining a higher view to watch over the children as they
bunked up on a futon and air mattresses sprinkled throughout the living room.
They think it’s an adventure to move bedding around so that they can all be
together. Cousin Love. There is something so special about it. It’s like a
magical memory, imprinted on the heart. An unseen wonder and a forever
connection with the ability to be recalled regardless of the number of years
gone by. The kids were elated as they peered at their buddy from the inside. He
was now a part of our Father’s Day celebration.
My first question of the day, Jordyn asking “Gammy, Gammy, Gammy are you my grandmother”? Yes, I answered and to this she gave me a big smile and a wish of “Happy Father’s Day”. Bampy was greeted with their impromptu singing of Happy Father’s Day to the tune of Happy Birthday to you. From the mouths of babes . . . tiny mouths that communicate Love from the inside to the outside. Our friend the Luna Moth communicating from the inside to the inside. There is so much about communication that can be learned from having an open heart.
Nikki came early to pick up her two, Addy and Bear. Bear greeted her with the words “Momma, Momma, you can’t wait to see our butterfly”. He brought her to the window and she was able to see and feel for the first time the mystical quality and beauty of a Luna Moth. As Nikki was taking in the sight, her Apple Watch rang and a photo of the Moth that I had texted her the day before popped up on her screen. The second time within a few weeks that Matty has sent an uninitiated, validating message through our texting. Soon after Nikki had taken in this experience, the Luna Moth flew away.
My first question of the day, Jordyn asking “Gammy, Gammy, Gammy are you my grandmother”? Yes, I answered and to this she gave me a big smile and a wish of “Happy Father’s Day”. Bampy was greeted with their impromptu singing of Happy Father’s Day to the tune of Happy Birthday to you. From the mouths of babes . . . tiny mouths that communicate Love from the inside to the outside. Our friend the Luna Moth communicating from the inside to the inside. There is so much about communication that can be learned from having an open heart.
Nikki came early to pick up her two, Addy and Bear. Bear greeted her with the words “Momma, Momma, you can’t wait to see our butterfly”. He brought her to the window and she was able to see and feel for the first time the mystical quality and beauty of a Luna Moth. As Nikki was taking in the sight, her Apple Watch rang and a photo of the Moth that I had texted her the day before popped up on her screen. The second time within a few weeks that Matty has sent an uninitiated, validating message through our texting. Soon after Nikki had taken in this experience, the Luna Moth flew away.
The Luna Moth visitation—a first for all of us.
A first not mired in sadness with missing Matty on a special day. His spirit ushered in the joy of the day. A first with
Matty and the unseen symbolism of the Luna Moth. We are all healing. This is
our rebirth. The transformative ability of Spirit to guide us to Love—a Love
that needs no words. A Love that protects. A Love that is birthed from our soul
and gifted to our heart while we continue to live our very best human
This poem came up in my search of the Luna Moth.
We are all free to interpret our messages received.
Luna Moth II
There is a chance however small
That you may live to see another dawn
There is in you
I see
a mute understanding of how
a moment is
when in your lover’s embrace
you forget how much your stomach aches.
Yolanda G. McAdam
from Ms. McAdam’s blog Scribblings, The Luna Moth − Two Poems April 29, 2014
Hello Readers . . . 2018 has been filled with
new lessons in healing from Matty. What is grief teaching me?, the wisdom of
words shared from across the veil have been posted directly to my Facebook page
Voice of Grief and not all here on the blog. I am traveling my journey to
healing at a much different pace than that first fateful year of learning Matty
had physically died in an auto accident. I have enjoyed the heart-connections
made over the sharing of our stories. Facebook however, is not sharing the
posts with all of you who have “Liked” the page. Please take a moment to subscribe
via email (an icon of an envelope appears after my name in the last line of
this post allowing you to subscribe) after reading this blog post. Looks like a
website is in my future so that Matty’s inspirations can be fully shared with all
of you.
If you’d like to catch up on What’s grief
teaching me?, please click on the link below.
Thank you for all the support, comfort and
healing you’ve brought to me over the last 3+ years.
With much Love,