Standing at the precipice of my two worlds with Matty in Spirit
Dearest Matty:
What is time in
mourning and grieving? There is no measure as seconds fall into minutes, hours
into days. Grief in the beginning, I possessed no sense of day or date,
consumed by lament. Time became light or dark instead of days; morphing into
wet & lush, warm & hopeful, cool & colorful replacing the seasons as
they came and went. I’ve lived the weeks that have turned into months and
collected the months that then defined a year, then another, and another, and
another and here today, I find myself at five years. Five years and healing with grief redefined, unseen in 2015. Grief presented itself initially in dualities, ensuring that I felt the full range of emotions upsetting my sense of time and equilibrium.
we hold the balance of the opposites, we embody our innate wholeness; our
original, unique selves.”
(From Bringing
the Dark Mother into the Light By Bethany Webster on Thursday February 23rd,
In my second year, I faced the finality of your
passing. In my third, I made the choice of examining this thing called grief.
First, I defined it . . . or tried to so that it made sense to me.
Grief’s first
impression was dark, filled me with fear and tried desperately to cast a shadow
over my love for you, tried in vain to silence my heart. I could feel the raw
ball of pain that I was. It felt like imprisonment and all I wanted to do was
crumble, get myself into a fetal position and cry and scream this horrible pain
away. Grief arrives as does Mother Nature’s most devastating storms. It changes
lives on a dime and leaves one in a state of unknowing until the storm lifts. I
needed another plan. The power of love was drawing me to the fact that my
daughter in law, your wife was feeling her ball of pain and in her crumble and fall, she
needed help with her babies, your babies.
As I let grief
wash over me through the years, I set an intention to let go of my fear and when I met grief eye
to eye, I was introduced to a softening, a wisdom. I could see a beauty and found
strength in her darkness. I acknowledged grief and took back my power. Grief no longer felt like an
anchor that weighed me down and I extended an invitation that she become a
permanent resident of my heart, opened and expanded to hold all of Grief; her darkness and light, joy and ache, chaos and comfort, hope and wisdom. An afterstorm does exist and I learned that my heart was knocking on soul’s door—a call unseen and unheard, yet strongly felt. In listening, my senses were sharpened. Hindsight taught me where there is love, there
is grief and no need to run from, rather a need to run to—that's where the healing lives .
Today, grief
redefined is this thing without an opposite, no antonyms needed. I’ve learned
it consists of both outer and inner workings. It holds both constrictions and expansions and is a path to Wholeness. It’s a model of transformation—starts out one
way, morphs into another yet creates space to hold all without an
explanation needed. No explanation required because it grows and transforms in
the heart and every experience is unique, expressed in feelings and not words. In the absence of words and
language, metaphors and analogies become my descriptors of emotions and processing; feeling is my true teacher and lives within.
Year four pummeled me with questions born from a state of
melancholia that begged for answers and you answered with this guidance:
“Keep going. I’m here. I will lead you to find your soul, your
higher self. This is the you who is with me now. Then you can know we are
together still . . . even between the signs”.
This year I’ve heard the whisperings of my soul.
“I am the one who is your Unseen, has observed the
weight you carry, sees you feeling fragmented, sees the light through the
I need you to know we are ONE, you do not walk alone.
I want you to remember who you are—the voice of your
I want you to BE.
The gift I bring to you is Love—the path to Divine
Love, the ability to meld thoughts and feelings and see with your heart.”
My heart fills with tenderness and I ask: “Is
there anything else you’d like to say to me today?”
Soul answers: “The path is always lit and yet
remains unseen at times. In those times, a change in perception will yield a
change in perspective.”
With gratitude and a feeling of being so well loved and cared
for, I continue on my journey. The summer months bring many lessons, signs,
synchronicities and validations. At four years and seven months, you present me
with the theme of “letting go”.
The next group of moments, occurring within the
time span of a week, hold great significance and insight delivered in moments
of hindsight. I receive a book "Love You Forever" from
a beautiful soul. She is a gift of Love, a woman I have
been blessed to know and love. The tears begin to flow before I
even finish reading her note. The book, a gift unrecognized and
waiting to play out its role in my transformation.
I attend Jaelyn's acting debut in a summer camp
theater production of The Wizard of Oz. She teaches, and I learn how to do the
Munchkin Skip on the yellow brick road. How could I not as she is in character
with the roles of intuition, heart, and courage leading the way. The loss of inhibitions feels
wonderful! Moments that are the beginnings of transcendence—
unrecognized and unwritten.
Within a handful of days I am on Broadway in New
York City sitting in on a matinee performance of Frozen; brought to my knees in
tears Matthew by the second rendition of Let It Go. Elsa sings out to the
Universe as she recognizes, becomes aware, has the experience of, a knowing and
a belief that the thread connecting her sister Anna and herself is her true love . . . unrecognized and unwritten until she
is brought to her knees in pain. As our memories flashed through my heart,
bringing me home, to myself, the tears were unearthing my inner peace, the
constant feel of it waiting to rise after being so long buried since your physical passing
along with self-love—recognized and ready to be re-written.
You brought me to a new beginning as I began to
sense you, recognize you as one voice among many in spirit. Validations poured in and there
were so many dots to connect. A random google search guided me to revisit Anne Marie
Higgins’ book Dancing in Two Realms,
filled with references to the Wizard of Oz, read in 2015 and forgotten until
now. A conversation with a friend nudged
me to finish Henya Kagan’s Gili’s Book
offering me a bereavement model that highlighted my own. This is more than
integration. You are showing me there is no importance in time as I know it in
this process of grief–integration–transcendence.
How many times have I thought these summer shifts were ready to be shared in a new blog post waiting to be written? Finished, had
come to an end? No, it was never about coming to an end, it was always about coming
home to the human part of me that felt like it was coming out of hibernation and Home to the soul/spirit part of me I yearned to meet. You’d given me a flash of an illustration for this blog, the title Living Within—Coming Home and many parts but not the whole. I never received your nudge to write or publish until now, and the healing continues to grow!
This new
language you’re teaching me to speak holds the dialects of Belief, Trust and
Divine Love. In symbols,
flashes of visions, thoughts and feelings, in my passion for reading, in song lyrics and through others you
deliver messages to be received by an open heart. Awareness turns up the
volume, contemplation is the interpreter and hindsight acts as my rewind
button, needed when I fail to pick up your message. I rest assured you will continue to send until received. Connecting the dots leads to words and phrases that move me toward
clarity and understanding; to the experiences that lead to a Knowing—where the
unseen becomes seen and felt deeply in my heart.
The flash of
the artwork you sent created a visual imprinted on my heart. I work to
recreate it digitally as I interpret it to mean a new beginning for us both. Standing atop
Mother Earth with rays of light filling all spaces, I am looking at the
Universe, graced with a panoramic view; you are a part of this Universe. I choose
colors with no names and paint the celestial heavens to express the Love and gratitude I have for you bringing me to this new beginning. A beginning where I imagine we launch our parallel journeys together; yours as Divine-spirit
and mine to what living forward holds as spirithuman. I envision that in our
launch, you leave a contrail of color that shouts
"I'll Love you forever, by your side I'll be; your open heart brought you Home to
me." Melissa’s gift comes full circle as I see and
feel the importance it plays out here.
And just when I think understanding and clarity
have helped me move forward, that lack of physical sight and touch re-awakens
and leaves me with a "something missing" feeling. . . a gap I can't
find the words to describe. I have always felt there was a missing piece
(peace), missing pieces to this grief journey of mine. There were two actually; how the
aftereffects of traumatic grief affected all aspects of me and peace. I’m missing the constant flow of peace, peace as a foundation, rock solid and unmoving. I
feel moments of peace in receiving your words, when being filled with eternal wisdom. I miss the peace that family brought to my heart, that feeling of completion when you were living in the flesh. This peace the human me
yearns to feel again and I am ready for the spirit part of me to remember Peace; to
bring me everlasting Peace that can only be found on a Soul
this is what living forward means. I engage in another self-pep talk. "Wisdom
doesn't have the same sense of fulfillment as the hugs or kisses. It brings
forth a great amount of joy, yet this is what your Love has evolved to, our
now connection. It's a short jump from my soul to your spirit knowing you'll
always answer the call and I'll always make it to the other side of the gap. I
think I'm waiting for that gap to close and I haven't been shown the answer of
how to, or maybe there isn't one. Maybe the gap is filled with Love, leaving space for the
missing and a reminder that where there is breath, there exists a human part of
me that the spirit part needs to fulfill this earthly experience. Can't the missing just stop hurting? Maybe this is the light of living
forward, gently inviting the missing to walk with me, expanding releasing constriction.
In a morning Logopraxis* connection, my daily spiritual practice,
I gain insight that I am ready for a new beginning, the
beginnings of a soul journey. You’ve answered questions, guided me and
loved me so fully and in this safe space, I become aware of a yearning as deep
for a remembrance of soul, for a personal relationship with God as my yearning
for a continued relationship with you in spirit.
"When we accept what is, letting go of our hope for a
different or better past, we are led into a much greater freedom. And as long
as there is accountability and forgiveness as part of the process, healing will
almost inevitably follow."
Richard Rogers from
a CAC meditation week of Dec 8 –13, 2019
To this quote I would add . . . “letting go of our hope for a
different or better past”, or waiting to be delivered to a new future. I
believe I am holding onto this unseen expectation.
The gift of guidance continues and I am led to A Course of Love, a channeled work by Mari Perron akin to A Course in Miracles. A hidden gem that
I was not meant to discover until now. I feel such resonance with this work. At times, most times it feels like I am joined in a private conversation for my soul's growth. “Seek and you shall find”. I have found
and no longer have a need to seek—learning is what remains. I read from the
"You stand at the precipice with a view of the new world
glittering with all the beauty of heaven set off at just a little distance in a
golden light."
A Course of
The illustration! Matthew I am in awe, wonder and gratitude. Another validation and a full-circle moment. You help me tweak my perception and what I had perceived as observing a very special moment of you Matty, in spirit , uniting with the Voice of Many, returning to the ONE, I now see that this is my new beginning, standing at the precipice of two worlds. You are witnessing my release
of hope, opening the door to my soul journey where I’ll learn to simply BE as my
soul whispered to me. Hope, let go and
surrendered returning like a boomerang as Peace. In Peace I am finding my way
Home in the present. Hope encompassed the future in the beginning and middle of my grieving, I need the present now as I live forward. I am “Trusting
the Journey . . . Loving the not-yet”. Words I became aware of through Sara Ruble and encouraged to live by as well as the wisdom of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin who teaches that evolution is a constant—man, spirit, the Universe. This is my RSVP to Grief's open invitation to life's reentry
as "trust
the journey" becomes visible and written, as doubt fades and trust strengthens as I live "loving the not-yet". As I meet you Matty, soul/spirit to spirit, our roles of Mother/Son dim as we unite in the connection of Divine
Love, and a much stronger bond forms in our reconnection.
This is my soul's understanding of grief. I am
guided to the learning and in awareness I open myself to the experience. Once
experienced it becomes my KNOWING and the experience becomes imprinted, unseen
words now written onto the heart—where growth and healing live.
I’ve experienced grief from its beginning, middle and lifetime forward.
It simply isn't enough to write your story, my story, our story. Grief has a
story to tell yet the words, the language, the people so sorely needed in our
lives to hear grief’s story, the ones we are deeply connected to that would
make words and language unnecessary are the ones that are physically missing. Grief
demands more than words and when I give grief my all, she gives it all back to me—in
integration of the shattered pieces, in drawing me to my unseen soul, to the
process of healing physically and spiritually.
The tears are flowing as my tumbleweed of emotions roll freely
with the force of missing you today. Peace is the wind, my newly discovered
foundation that sees the possibility of new life in these jumbled, chaotic
tumbleweed of emotions; allowing them to run their course, extracting the
beauty, the balance needed to shine a light on my new life with purpose and
Thank you Matty for guiding me these five years, for showing me the other side of grief, for helping me to re-enter life through the power of Love, for helping me find my soul.
Love you with all the Unnamed Colors of our Unseen Rainbows.