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Daddy & Uncle Matty, his Love lives
on the Inside now
I heard the sound the ache in my heart makes when it takes a moment to cheer on the joy. Tuesday sleepovers at Gammy and Bampy’s lead to lazy Wednesdays, We look forward to the firefly shows that dazzle us through the window screens at bedtime, nature’s nightlights! Favorite breakfasts are served, there’s collaboration on the current play in production, packing up towels and snacks and a quick change into bathing suits and we are ready for the water show to begin. I’m treated to dives and jumps, twists and twirls, double rollovers and their favorite . . . the canyonball. Another word I can’t bring myself to correct. They are growing so fast, it’s a part of the past I’m bringing into my present for now. The future and change will come quickly enough.
Love visited us today. I was taking
care of all the outside things that needed to be packed up for our walk back to
the house while unbeknownst to me, the kiddos were taking care of the inside. As
I was stuffing my carry bag, I heard shouts of glee “Daddy, Daddy, Uncle Matty,
Uncle Matty”.
When I turned to see what all the
excitement was about, the sight that fell upon my physical eyes brought tears.
All four were kneeling on the deck, kissing the same spot over and over. Took
me a moment to compose myself. The kisses, the once babies growing like weeds,
the years since they’d had the physical contact, the missing, the questions,
the tears, the memories fast fading like an ‘ol Polaroid left in the sun. And
then my spirit nudge. “No, No, No you are looking at a scene with your mind.
Take it to the heart and tell me what you feel”. In that moment I became
present with the joy, the unexpected visit from a beloved Daddy and Uncle
Matty. No sadness in their hearts. Only openness and the will to receive all
the Love that was being showered upon them in that moment.
“Hey, my Little Loves what have you found?”
I asked. Four voices in chorus shouted back. “It’s a sign, it’s a sign!” There
was a beautiful hello from heaven, a water spot in the shape of a heart. I allowed
the nano-second of sorrow to pass through me and was reminded that what is seen
from the outside captures a much different picture than the Truth felt from the
Feeling, the experience born from
heartspace. Love, the gift, the energy, the vibration that both gives and
receives. It’s an invitation to unity, to remember that we are all connected
through this power of Love. It runs through us like a river and when I align
with the flow, I’m taking care of myself from the inside. My responsibility, my
inner work, my contribution to making change. Working on my Love, giving and
receiving. I’m happy I was brought into their circle. They created a new memory
that is rubbing-in worthy, a beautiful grief tool passed on by a friend. When
you want to remember, feel and rub it into your heart. Love will recall it when
you need it most.