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Dearest Matty,
Love Divine, Breath of Life
Child guide me home
my heart to
my awareness
me feel your presence
Love outside of time
This has been my prayer of the heart, an invitation for you to join me over the time and space of your last ten birthdays, and the days in between. A prayer whispered when I asked the questions: how do you reach me; how do I reach you? The answers came in silence, no words . . . simply in energy, feelings felt. “Birthday” takes on a different meaning this year. It holds the embrace of a divine significance as you have brought me full circle to a New Birth . . . a spiritual birth, guiding me and celebrating the remembrance of soul.
Are you answering me, Matty?
A mist that once covered
Becomes a new portal
A meeting place . . . spiritual
Where Unity and Wholeness reign
Learning a new language
Visiting across the veil
As I take a heartwalk down Memory Lane Matty, I recognize your Love then and now as a joining by a word/name not yet known to me. You lived Love, and in your passing from one world to the next, my heart feels and my soul tells me this is how I continue to see you . . . in the joining. You spoke the Language of Love with your great big bear hugs, a physical symbol that spoke volumes: "you mean something to me", "I value you", "my heart touches your heart", "we are equals". Your intimacy, your strength, your legacy. Love. Love alive. And the words finally come, you show me the way—Love outside of time.
Neither of us are in need of material
gifts in celebrating birthdays any more, yet spiritual gifts—these are the
gifts that ‘keep on giving’. Is this the meaning behind the statement ‘giving
and receiving are the same—are one’?
“In Love outside of time” is a line recently added to my prayer
invitation. My gift to you this birthday is to return your gift of Love, give
it back—deliver it to the Universe in remembrance of the Love you gathered. Matthew, you left behind your
Love in the hearts of many here, a guiding light for we who desire to seek
deeper understanding . . . experiencing the joy and peace in connections .
. . in joining, in moments of heaven and eternity forged. Love outside of
What does this mean to me? Love outside of time? A meeting place, you say; communicating through a new language? It is signs and synchronicities, the initial layers of communication; stories shared through dialogue—a deeper level experienced, known or not, unaware or awareness waiting in the sidelines of divine timing for the release of this moment that will reenter ordinary time and give pause once again. It is faith grappling with truth and doubt until met by an encounter so beautifully resonate, it catches the breath and gives way to heart’s tears. This is the soul’s Love language. Allowing beauty to reenter the heart space. A wordless language understood through translation to feeling when a moment in ordinary time imprints, welcomes Presence with no need for human recollection as the soul gracefully stores a moment of Remembrance . . . until . . . that moment when the measure of time fades and bows to the state of Awareness—where soul guides the human to simply Be and from the archive of memories, guidance accepts the call for retrieval when needed. These moments in life, in childhood for example, when a very old memory rises to the surface 50 years later; it is that fluid moment in time recalled to help with recognition of a present day event; awareness of a new moment now seen from the unseen, yet today is the first time I understand that this ‘knowing but not knowing’ has always been with me. Ancestors, angels and guides with me always nudging thoughts joining with the heart for a future needed purpose. My grandmother’s words after you died, telling me that God loans us our children. I felt my Memere’s presence nearly 10 years ago, and it brought so much comfort through the sadness. I knew I was not walking this path alone. She was very familiar with child loss, having had her heart broken three times. Remembrances awakened. A story shared. A spirit nudge to others in conversation and their memories of time gone by begin the rise back to the surface for their own healing—unseen and unknown until it becomes the knowing and the known. What are the things felt and unseen? What would I see if I could see the wind? A friend asked “can you fall in love with Love”? Whatwould I see if I could see Love? What would I see when the heart feels a kiss? What if the wind swirled from an earthly river bed from the ground and rivers were suspended in mid-air and made a rushing, whooshing sound? It is hard to say Goodbye. . . so you and I are going to say a new Hello! Love outside of time.
Are you here? Are you there? This meeting
place is the in-between, Love flowing from the imaginal realm between incarnate
and discarnate energies. A union of spiritual forces through a holy
relationship, like ours my dear, or any parent and child, any beloved where
embodied and disembodied beings come together in a space beyond physical
boundaries, in alignment with Love Divine. Love outside of time.
I’ve felt the reality that Love never
dies. It began as a yearning, deep and
powerful with No Name that took up residence in my heart with a longing to meet
my soul, to remember the “WHY” I am here, to discover “WHO” I truly am outside of
the relationships I hold to being a wife, a mother, daughter, sister and
friend. Who am I in relation to this Universal Source that goes by many names and
holds an underlying mystery revealed to seekers in this life incarnate? I
needed to unearth and understand the One Truth shared by all humanity
regardless of differences. I desperately
hoped this mystery revealed would bring me healing and peace after the tragedy
of your passing—your death. The one
thing I was certain of, was that this love for you and you for us my child, was
so powerful it could not have been extinguished and left in your physical body,
the body that no longer worked. I needed to find you in whatever form that
would be!
I did the only thing I knew to do—I
cried out from an ache so deep and raw and asked you to help me. Love was the
cornerstone, the lift-off point to a journey I knew nothing about.
The learning came in layers over the
years and the golden nugget was received in April of this year 2024 in a waking
dream—a way to experience these beautiful, moments of joining in a realm outside
of space and time; Heaven on Earth moments when a glimpse of eternity is
revealed. “Dreams have often been the
silent couriers of The New”. (Mirari
by Mari Perron, receiver of A Course of Love) Ours certainly ring true
and have stories of their own to tell, for another time though. The
unrecognized moments of a call, an invitation to presence are “less hardly”
distinguishable from other moments until the pause in the moment creates this
FEELING, leading to the understanding that memories, moments of past presence
have been and are “more ever” with us, guided by Spirit. Connecting the past
MOMENT with the awareness that the present moment is calling for, a moment of pause
and the realization that the pause stills ordinal time, the recognition that
this is MY special moment, MY CALLING,
MY INVITATION of blending with, in relationship with you in spirit, when two
become One. Wholeness. A moment of Heaven on Earth. This was a Cosmic Miracle. New
memories are being made and will continue. Love outside of time.
Why now? Why speak of this on your
earthly birthday? Because of this newfound miracle in communication, communion.
I believe we were called to a purpose, you
and I; an invitation from Source to work from one to the other; to commune through a new language,
a language of feelings. The New. Our work is an active partnership, yet I
needed to take on the roles of observer and participant before I was able to
see our contract come to life. The road was long and winding. If I didn’t know
myself, how could I possibly expect to know you in Spirit?
There was a theme to the lessons
presented in becoming aware of Love outside of time, and hindsight has
helped me to connect the dots. Hands became the symbol of these communications.
Your first inspiration received in a moment of contemplation “when blind belief
and faith force me to pause, my soul stirs and I am sent a vision of ‘Hands’ of
Hope, of Trust. Beautiful hands extended . . . “if I ask for help, if only I
ask”! Climbing
the rungs on the ladder of Love outside of time.
You, my Sweet Spirit Boy have touched
Love and with all the guidance I’ve received, I have touched Being. Together in
this new relationship, we have touched Love Being; the spiritual melding of
Love Divine—your acceptance and mine in Being Love. The One Truth. Blessed Mama
calls it an invitation to The New; co-creating—an expansion of the continuous
evolution of Love.
Duality, paradox? Is there a beginning,
middle, end? Ends are mirrors of reflections so similar that one end cannot
recognize where it ends and another beginning forms. Without recognition,
without a pause—I’m left in darkness, chaos, no entry for light. A pause leads to recognition through
contemplation. Every new entry is a portal into The New; more clarity achieved,
greater understanding gained and insight and wisdom received, allowing light to
enter arriving at the crossroad to creating a journey, The New—a way of divine
alignment, living Heaven on Earth moments being Love. Expanding compassion and
empathy, the return of joy, peace, comfort and living life from the inside out.
I now know that the journey does not
end with the experience. The experience must be expressed to continue on the
path to healing.
Your story, my story, our story will
be told soon. These revelations would not have been possible without the Love
and support of my 3M and DreamWorks friends. Tales of wonder for another day! Sparks
ignited, connections shared, awareness awakened leads to the path of
understanding. The beauty of an open heart rests in all of the unseen
possibilities allowing a place to enter, tapping into that THING that we all
possess, unseen and unknown ‘til it is. Love outside of time.
I will close with a birthday wish for both
of us. Happy Heavenly Birthday Matthew, celebrating your old and Happy New
Birth to me, in celebration of my new spiritual birth. With a new birth comes a
new perspective for me. Rather than looking for the measure of my worth, I will
look for the for that marker which makes me, Me. What is my authenticity? Who
am I now? I want to live fully, deeply, authentically, and allow your received
wisdom to be shared as inspiration for others who prefer to walk “the road less
order for my story to BEcome my story, it first must circle back to the
beginning and hindsight allowed to BE the role of Narrator to the Audience of
the Heart. This is "my word made flesh" moment, my moment of
contribution to growing Consciousness . . . Evolution of Soul/Spirit . .
. to sharing . . . to healing”.
Matty Inspired
Forever & evermore,